Endianness understanding issue

Hello Community people,

I am currently studying for my eCPPTv2 and I came across the 2 types of Endianness and I cannot understand the difference due to the confusion caused by the slide explanation, as understanding the topic is important for further topics.

I understood that Big-endian stores the MSB at the lowest address and LSB at the Highest address and the other way around for the Little endian, as explained in “Architecture Fundamentals - Study Guide” Slide page 80 & 81. However, on the same slide, on page 82, where it explains the example of storing “0B” byte using the little-endian and it says that it will be stored on the left “MSB” where it should be on the LSB.
Also, on “Understanding Buffer Overflows - Study Guide” page 42, it explains how Windows uses little-endian to store ABCD that equal to “0x44434241” in hex, as I understood that that LSB should be stored at Lowest address and MSB stored on Highest address i.e. 0x41424344.

Please can anyone explain this for me!

Thank you in advance.

Maybe it is of help to check the memory with a small piece of code

#include <stdio.h>

#if defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
#include <sys/byteorder.h>
static inline uint32_t bswap_32(uint32_t x)
    return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) |
            ((x & 0x0000ff00U) <<  8) |
            ((x & 0x00ff0000U) >>  8) |
            ((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24));
#include <endian.h>
#include <byteswap.h>

void printi(unsigned int* i,int bigEndian){
    char *p=(char *)i;
    printf("\t%p (+0) 0x%02x %s\n",p,*p,bigEndian?"(MSB)":"(LSB)");
    printf("\t%p (+1) 0x%02x\n",p,*p);
    printf("\t%p (+2) 0x%02x\n",p,*p);
    printf("\t%p (+3) 0x%02x %s\n",p,*p,bigEndian?"(LSB)":"(MSB)");
void comparei(unsigned int i){
    unsigned int 
    printf("Comparing 0x%08x at %p\n",littleI,&littleI);
    printf("Little Endian (native):\n");
    printf("Big Endian:\n");
    printf("Comparing 0x%08x at %p\n",bigI,&bigI);
    printf("Big Endian (native):\n");
    printf("Little Endian:\n");
void comparec(char* c){
    unsigned int i= *(unsigned int *)c;
    printf("Comparing \"%s\" == 0x%08x\n",c,i);

int main(){
    printf("Host System uses Little Endian\n");
    printf("Host System uses Big Endian\n");
    printf("Host System uses Middle Endian\nWe don't do that here\n");
#error "no byte order"

// lscpu | grep Endian
// Byte Order:                      Little Endian

Example output:

Host System uses Little Endian
Comparing 0x0000000b at 0x7ffc1f417120
Little Endian (native):
        0x7ffc1f417120 (+0) 0x0b (LSB)
        0x7ffc1f417121 (+1) 0x00
        0x7ffc1f417122 (+2) 0x00
        0x7ffc1f417123 (+3) 0x00 (MSB)
Big Endian:
        0x7ffc1f417124 (+0) 0x00 (MSB)
        0x7ffc1f417125 (+1) 0x00
        0x7ffc1f417126 (+2) 0x00
        0x7ffc1f417127 (+3) 0x0b (LSB)

Comparing 0x12345678 at 0x7ffc1f417120
Little Endian (native):
        0x7ffc1f417120 (+0) 0x78 (LSB)
        0x7ffc1f417121 (+1) 0x56
        0x7ffc1f417122 (+2) 0x34
        0x7ffc1f417123 (+3) 0x12 (MSB)
Big Endian:
        0x7ffc1f417124 (+0) 0x12 (MSB)
        0x7ffc1f417125 (+1) 0x34
        0x7ffc1f417126 (+2) 0x56
        0x7ffc1f417127 (+3) 0x78 (LSB)

Comparing "ABCD" == 0x44434241
Comparing 0x44434241 at 0x7ffc1f4170f0
Little Endian (native):
        0x7ffc1f4170f0 (+0) 0x41 (LSB)
        0x7ffc1f4170f1 (+1) 0x42
        0x7ffc1f4170f2 (+2) 0x43
        0x7ffc1f4170f3 (+3) 0x44 (MSB)
Big Endian:
        0x7ffc1f4170f4 (+0) 0x44 (MSB)
        0x7ffc1f4170f5 (+1) 0x43
        0x7ffc1f4170f6 (+2) 0x42
        0x7ffc1f4170f7 (+3) 0x41 (LSB)

Comparing "ZYXW" == 0x5758595a
Comparing 0x5758595a at 0x7ffc1f4170f0
Little Endian (native):
        0x7ffc1f4170f0 (+0) 0x5a (LSB)
        0x7ffc1f4170f1 (+1) 0x59
        0x7ffc1f4170f2 (+2) 0x58
        0x7ffc1f4170f3 (+3) 0x57 (MSB)
Big Endian:
        0x7ffc1f4170f4 (+0) 0x57 (MSB)
        0x7ffc1f4170f5 (+1) 0x58
        0x7ffc1f4170f6 (+2) 0x59
        0x7ffc1f4170f7 (+3) 0x5a (LSB)

Host System uses Big Endian
Comparing 0x0000000b at 0xafd2ea2c
Big Endian (native):
        0xafd2ea2c (+0) 0x00 (MSB)
        0xafd2ea2d (+1) 0x00
        0xafd2ea2e (+2) 0x00
        0xafd2ea2f (+3) 0x0b (LSB)
Little Endian:
        0xafd2ea28 (+0) 0x0b (LSB)
        0xafd2ea29 (+1) 0x00
        0xafd2ea2a (+2) 0x00
        0xafd2ea2b (+3) 0x00 (MSB)

Comparing 0x12345678 at 0xafd2ea2c
Big Endian (native):
        0xafd2ea2c (+0) 0x12 (MSB)
        0xafd2ea2d (+1) 0x34
        0xafd2ea2e (+2) 0x56
        0xafd2ea2f (+3) 0x78 (LSB)
Little Endian:
        0xafd2ea28 (+0) 0x78 (LSB)
        0xafd2ea29 (+1) 0x56
        0xafd2ea2a (+2) 0x34
        0xafd2ea2b (+3) 0x12 (MSB)

Comparing "ABCD" == 0x41424344
Comparing 0x41424344 at 0xafd2e9fc
Big Endian (native):
        0xafd2e9fc (+0) 0x41 (MSB)
        0xafd2e9fd (+1) 0x42
        0xafd2e9fe (+2) 0x43
        0xafd2e9ff (+3) 0x44 (LSB)
Little Endian:
        0xafd2e9f8 (+0) 0x44 (LSB)
        0xafd2e9f9 (+1) 0x43
        0xafd2e9fa (+2) 0x42
        0xafd2e9fb (+3) 0x41 (MSB)

Comparing "ZYXW" == 0x5a595857
Comparing 0x5a595857 at 0xafd2e9fc
Big Endian (native):
        0xafd2e9fc (+0) 0x5a (MSB)
        0xafd2e9fd (+1) 0x59
        0xafd2e9fe (+2) 0x58
        0xafd2e9ff (+3) 0x57 (LSB)
Little Endian:
        0xafd2e9f8 (+0) 0x57 (LSB)
        0xafd2e9f9 (+1) 0x58
        0xafd2e9fa (+2) 0x59
        0xafd2e9fb (+3) 0x5a (MSB)