Great PTP/eCPPTv2 external resources

Here you can find useful resources for the PTP course! In general, the course materials and the labs are enough.
If you have extra resources reply to this post with the links! I’ll add them ASAP.

Buffer Overflows
External Labs

The course labs are enough for the exam, but I would suggest proving your skills in these labs!


So here is what i found,
If anyone is too lazy to create the reverse shell by themselves? , Then take a look at this online reverse shell generator
#helpful #cyber-security #resources


Great site! I used it a couple of times haha, added it! (with credits, obv :wink:)

Update: Just realized I can’t modify the post anymore… maybe a mod can help me with this? :pleading_face: :grin:

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great post, for the eCPPT I also recommend using a tool like FlanScan or the nmap vulners script instead of utilizing Nessus as recommended in the course materials. For some reason Nessus was a real pain to get running, so if you are looking to add that finishing touch to the report with a vuln scan I recommend checking this out GitHub - cloudflare/flan: A pretty sweet vulnerability scanner

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Thanks for sharing this tool! I just added it to the list with the proper credits! :grin:

Although for buffer overflows concept, the eCPPT material is good, but if we need an alternative source for understanding we can use cyber mentor’s YouTube page for buffer overflow - Buffer Overflows Made Easy - YouTube.

Also, for Reverse-shell cheat sheet: Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet | pentestmonkey. It is good collection source for all commands to get reverse-shell

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Thanks! Sites added with credits! :grin: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m at the beginning stage of the PPT, so all the help is welcomed.
If I find something that isn’t here I’ll share it.
Thank you guys for sharing.