Welcome To The Matrix

Hmmm we will see :slight_smile: what badge!!!

Red pill or the blue pill?

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Sweet. Excited for this!!!

Cloud :pill:. Much better aftertaste

Hello! This is the reply for a awesome new badge? :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
care to share a link where you keep all the Neal gifs??

red pill 100% :heart_eyes: but trying the blue one is also a great idea

@TheBeard well this is awkward

If you think about the entire Matrix arc, the agents, for all of their apparent power, are powerless pawns. The humans who escape do so by design. The “one” develops by design on a generational timeline. Smith would have been completely powerless to stop Neo, the matrix would have most likely destroyed him. In fact, the only time Smith has any power is when he becomes a virus and threatens the stability of the entire matrix. Even then, he is a pawn though, as the whole situation is engineered to bring a change in the relationship between the matrix and humans. What was this thread about?

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I could never get into that Matrix movie and your paragraph above has made me want to try and watch it again @twallace-af7d9bafcde :smiley:

I have no idea what this thread is about but my good guess is that this is a bunch of tipsy Cyber Insecurity community members having after hours fun at the Discord subscribers chat lol

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What great humor is going on here.

A lot of funny comments and GIFs.