Cisco CCNA practice with Eve-NG

As I go through the CCNA 200-301 Learning Path, I find out an amazing way to practice cisco commands that I really want to share with everyone learning it. With that said, I utilized Eve-NG to build a small wired network as demonstrated in the “Beginning The Cisco Journey” course.

Keith’s network topology:

Here is how it might look like with Eve-NG:

Components to build this network are:

From my personal experience when building this network, it’s very close, or even same to the one Keith demonstrates in his course, so def awesome for CCNA practice. Yet, the only problem is Eve-NG will consume large amount of memory as I expand the network. If you have a powerful pc, i.e. ~32GB RAM, you should be fine.

That is everything from my view, I hope this will help you, if you have any question, or suggestions, please let me know. If you want to build a network together, I’m also willing as well.


Thanks for sharing that with everyone Jay!

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with premium access read somewhere within the forum,can clear the topology thats there and recreate that ropology as to avoid memory issues @cuongnguyen2911-8225 @kbogart-81b6c89deee9 2

Hi Soud. It is true that with our Premium Subscription you’ll have access to our GNS3-based lab environment. And you can modify the topologies in that environment if you wish. However, the one thing you can’t do is to create virtual Serial interfaces…all interfaces have to be Ethernet (so you wouldn’t be able to recreate that WAN connection).

hi, sorry it took me a while, had issues with my lab using pi4, to access labs and started going a merry go round, guess its a learning curve.

regarding the lab environment you can modify and do what you like, but honestly i have only been testing things so once i try fully to change the topology will update you. n.b. not sure if i have issue with my account, or using chromium ,firefox, vivaldi on pi4, on when i played inside the lab, cause this past week havent been able to access the lab!!! lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: